The removal of a candidate’s personal information as ‘blind recruitment’ to reduce bias is a fairly new practice. Read on to know what blind recruitment is and how does it work?
Tag: India
Learning to Fly the Hybrid Way: EdTech’s Boom and Opportunities
Up the Hockey Stick Curve “EdTech” has evolved over the last few years and emerged to become the fastest growing sector during Covid-19. Increase in digitization, the start-up ecosystem continuously innovating to provide new services, the ever evolving consumer base and the COVID-19 situation has given the sector a huge boost. EdTech (Education Technology) has become… Continue reading Learning to Fly the Hybrid Way: EdTech’s Boom and Opportunities
India’s workforce is ready and willing for a manufacturing drive
India’s manufacturing workforce has the necessary skills and availability to attract significant foreign investment, according to a new report from global executive search and human capital firm Catenon. Catenon surveyed more than 1,600 manufacturing professionals and 200 human resources (HR) heads across 11 sectors in India to get an overview of the labour market… Continue reading India’s workforce is ready and willing for a manufacturing drive
8 in 10 manufacturing professionals willing to migrate for professional opportunities, reveals Catenon India’s latest report ‘Manufacturing in India’
Eight in 10 manufacturing professionals are willing to migrate to other locations for professional opportunities, finds a report by global talent search and consulting firm Catenon. The survey, titled ‘Manufacturing in India: Insights into Human Capital and Locations 2020’, states that India ranks high as an attractive destination for doing business, with its lenient policy… Continue reading 8 in 10 manufacturing professionals willing to migrate for professional opportunities, reveals Catenon India’s latest report ‘Manufacturing in India’
How India can emerge amidst the global manufacturing dilemma
Amidst the global dilemma, many manufacturing opportunities in India are coming to the forefront To say that Covid-19 has disrupted the way businesses operate around the world would be an understatement. With almost every industry trying to scout for new and improved manufacturing opportunities, the new normal has made it clear that a major change… Continue reading How India can emerge amidst the global manufacturing dilemma
Market Mapping: A Quick Tool for Competitive Advantage
“The most dangerous person is the one who listens, thinks and observes” – Bruce Lee As a sportsman, I have believed understanding your adversary in any sport is paramount to winning. It requires nothing more than detached observation to accomplish this. Business is no different. The importance of understanding the position of other players… Continue reading Market Mapping: A Quick Tool for Competitive Advantage
Greener and Cleaner: The Approaching Electric Vehicles Age
Current State of Electric Vehicles (EVs) The global Electric Vehicles fleet expanded significantly over the last decade, fuelled by supportive policies and technology advances. Sales of electric cars topped 2.1 million globally in 2019, surpassing 2018 to boost the stock to 7.2 million electric cars. ‘EV’ has become a buzz word both in technology and… Continue reading Greener and Cleaner: The Approaching Electric Vehicles Age
The FinTech Sector: An Overview in 2020
“We accept Paytm, GPay & PhonePe.” has already replaced, “All types of cards are accepted here.” in every other shop or store we know. This is how fast the FinTech Market is growing. The above statement is proof enough of its mass market penetration. What exactly is FinTech? As the name suggests, FinTech is basically… Continue reading The FinTech Sector: An Overview in 2020
Diversity & Inclusion Series: Women’s Participation in the Workforce
Circa 1905, “Sultana’s Dream” a feminist utopian story is written by Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain, a Muslim feminist, writer and social reformer from Bengal. She explores the concept of a Ladyland wherein women are able to run everything. The women are aided by science fiction-esque “electrical” technology which enables labour less farming and flying cars; the… Continue reading Diversity & Inclusion Series: Women’s Participation in the Workforce
4 Trends that will shape EdTech in 2021
With the rapid spread of the pandemic, thousands of schools and millions of teachers globally had to switch to remote classes almost overnight. Along with proving to be a dark horse for investors in 2020 with a whopping 223.2% rise in funding than the previous year (Source: Inc42+), EdTech has also made things easier. Trends… Continue reading 4 Trends that will shape EdTech in 2021